JOÃO GABRIEL: "Fantasma Gaiata. A Coleção da CGD", Culturgest, Lisbon



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JOÃO GABRIEL: "Fantasma Gaiata. A Coleção da CGD", Culturgest, Lisbon




JOÃO GABRIEL: "Fantasma Gaiata. A Coleção da CGD", Culturgest, Lisbon

On October 13th, the group exhibition Fantasma Gaiata. A Coleção da CGD opens at Culturgest, in Lisbon (PT), curated by Bruno Marchand, featuring works by João Gabriel.
In 2021, Caixa Geral de Depósitos reactivated programmatic acquisitions for its contemporary art collection – one of the most relevant in the country. Since then, either by direct acquisition or through the Caixa Competition for Young Artists, close to a hundred works were added to an existing collection of approximately 1,800 pieces.

To celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of Culturgest, the museum opens its galleries and invites the public to rediscover the collection. Adding to sections established over the last forty years, it pays special attention to recent acquisitions, seeking to reveal what new dialogue they bring to the legacy.


Photo: © Vera Marmelo. Michael Biberstein, "Very large attractor", 1991, Acrylic on linen canvas, 330 x 195 cm.

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JOÃO GABRIEL: "Fantasma Gaiata. A Coleção da CGD", Culturgest, Lisbon desenvolvido por Bondhabits. Agência de marketing digital e desenvolvimento de websites e desenvolvimento de apps mobile